HCGCC 2024
15th: Early bird registration opens
(US $10 USD per student.)
14th: Early bird registration closes
15th: Regular registration opens (US $15 USD per student.)
11th: Individual Registration closes
12th: Team registration opens & Bootcamps open
16th: Team registration closes
25th: Regional case announcement. Teams receive regional case via email, and have one week to submit solutions. Slide decks must be created in Google Slides and submitted in PDF format. Find more information here.
30th: Regional case submission (PDF)
8th: Regional qualifiers announcement. 50 teams (5 regions with 10 teams per region) advance to next stage.
12th: Video pitch submission. All team members must speak and be visible in video. Video must not exceed 5 minutes. Click here to learn more.
18th: Regional winners. 10 teams (top 2 teams per region) advance to global finals.
19th: The Global Case will be sent to the Regional winners
23rd: Global Case submission
24th: Global Case Live Pitch. Global final presentations will take place during the virtual event.
30th: GLOBAL WINNERS ANNOUNCED! Global winners will receive amazing prizes including the working experience program, Crimson credit, and cash.